purpose sherpa

go deep to level up

There comes a point in the life of every leader when they feel a need to connect to a bigger, nobler aim. Their purpose.

Leaders who are clear about their purpose easily inspire others. They transform organizations and bring out the best in their subordinates. They lead people towards a compelling vision, creating extraordinary results along the way.

I use the term, purpose, as the “why” of a leader’s life. It is the higher meaning that underlies all of your activities. It answers the most fundamental questions, like: Why am I here? Who am I meant to be? What am I meant to do?

These questions are often treated as imponderables, questions that defy answering. This is not so. For each person, these questions have a unique and specific answer. You are better at doing your purpose than you are at anything else.

This knowledge is buried deep within you, so it can be discovered and retrieved. Knowing the answers to these questions can guide you to a life of vision, meaning, productivity, and success.

Finding your purpose is a journey. I am your sherpa throughout this journey. In the process you’ll receive and refine highly charged and meaningful purpose language that is uniquely yours.

After that you will have a decision to make: How purposeful do you want your life to be?

Based on your decision together we will design a plan for your purposeful life and with ongoing support and accountability we ensure that you stick to it. In order to succeed at manifesting your purpose, I will help you establish new habits of purposeful living to sustain the transformation that is possible for you.