purpose sherpa

go deep to level up

My name is Balazs Laszlo Karafiath. I am coach and consultant with 25 years of leadership and coaching experience. As PhD in cultural communication I work with organizations as a culture designer. I guide leaders, change-makers and their organizations through their transformation.

As a leadership coach, a purpose mentor, and an Integral Coach I help my leader clients and their organizations to break through their limitations and be even more successful.

I teach conscious leadership as a journey that starts with the leader and can lead to elevating the level of consciousness in the boardroom and throughout the company.

This is a shared experience. We are in this together, separation is an illusion. We are all connected. It’s just lovely to watch how quantum physics converge to the conclusions held by ancient wisdom.

For me, being conscious means to break through the illusions of the ego and our social and cultural conditioning. When we do that, we are ready to create a purposeful life.

In my experience connecting to purpose means that we transcend the ego to connect to your higher self.

Sounds simple so far? Well, the trick is that you have to do this every single day. Connect, get aligned, ground yourself. Find balance.

‘Nothing becomes real unless you practice it’ says Thich Nhat Hahn. We need our daily practice to change our world so we can change ourselves so we can further change our world so we can change ourselves…

After three successful startups I know what it is like to face leadership obstacles. 15 years into my own personal development work in different kinds of therapies I know how to help you overcome your obstacles.

I started three successful companies as co-founder. Sziget Festival, the biggest music & arts festival in Europe, a massive Burning Man-size one-week event in the middle of Budapest. Carnation Group, a market leading online marketing and media agency that we sold to WPP in 2012. Darwins Marketing Evolution, a memetics research and consulting company working for top Central European and multinational corporations.  

For the past ten years I have learned a lot from Andras Feldmar and Howard Teich, I grew immensely with their guidance. When I experienced the work of David Quigley, Stephen Gilligan and Tim Kelly I was able to fully step into the energy of my higher purpose. Now I am truly humbled to offer to help you help yourself to clear your inner obstacles and thrive. 

I found my purpose and that is to help you and your team find yours.